MiniBom s03e12 – 17/12/2024 – Verso la cima!
English Calamity, Wikipedia e 2, Newspapers, The Guardian,
Khamar Daban, Wikipedia, ExplorersWeb, Archie’s Archive su YouTube, Stephanie Harlowe su YouTube, WolfenHaas, Hystoric Mysteries, Reddit 1 e 2.

MiniBom s03e11 – 15/11/2024 – Sotto Zero!
Amanda Lynn Shumann Deza,, Forensic News, Il Riformista, NBC News, USA Today
Edwina e Fred Rogers, The Ice Box Murders di Hugh Gardenier e Martha Gardenier, North Carolina Public Radio, Criminal Podcast, Reddit, John Brassard Jr, Chron, Houstonia Mag, All That’s Interesting, Wikipedia 1, 2, 3, Spartacus Educational, True Crime and Felines

MiniBom s03e10 – 01/10/2024 – Pizzo e Merletti
Stacey Castor, ABC News, su YouTube, Uglee Buggs su YouTube, Kendall Rae su YouTube
Lynn Graham, NBC News 1 e 2, Reddit 1 e 2, Murderpedia, All That’s Interesting, CNN, Fox 8 Live, Just Thought Lounge su YouTube, Justin Franz, BBC, Daily Mail, True Crime News, Missoulian.

MiniBom s03e09 – 20/09/2024 – Eureka!
Carroll Bonnet, LordanARTS su YouTube, FBI 1 e 2, FBI su YouTube per l’assegnazione del premio Latent Hit of the Year, Prezi, Casetext, HID, Homeland Security Digital Library,
Lucille Johnson e Trudy Calibrese, Wikipedia, AZ Central, Murderpedia, Caselaw, KSL, Relief society, Deseret News, Daily Crime.

MiniBom s03e08 – 19/08/2024 – Click click!
Brittney Gargol, Dignity Memorial, Coffehouse Crime su YouTube, Deeply Unsettling Podcast, BBC, The Star Phoenix 1 e 2, She’s gone podcast ep.4, Reddit, Saskatoon CTV News, The Guardian, The Independent, CNN, CBC 1 e 2, Truly criminal su YouTube, True crime stories, Least of these, il selfie, la cintura.
La donna della Contea di Anson, Unidentified Awareness, Anson Record 1 e 2, Reddit, Facebook.

MiniBom s03e07 – 25/07/2024 – Yzma, alza le braccia, dai!
Lo Smiler, Wikipedia 1 e 2, Birmingham Live, RCDB, Leisure Opportunities, Eleanor Neale su YouTube, b3n_f_ su YouTube, Defunctland su YouTube.
Action Park, Wikipedia 1 e 2, Il Post, Defunctland su YouTube,

MiniBom s03e06 – 08/06/2024 – Oops!
Graham Young, Wikipedia,, All That’s Interesting, Oxford Academic.
Kevin Mengel, Daily Local News, SK Pop, Facebook, Better Off Red su YouTube, Dateline s08e03, NBC, ABC.

MiniBom s03e05 – 11/05/2024 – È un mistero!
Il John Doe di Faxaskjól, Reddit, DV 1 e 2, Unidentified Wiki.
La stanza 636 (Walter Emmerich), The Sheraton Gunter, Ghost City Tours, Haunt Lounge, Ghost Discoverer su YouTube, Twentysomething San Antonio.

MiniBom s03e04 – 19/04/2024 – Oh oh! Mi è semblato di vedele un gatto!
Celebration, Mirror, NBC, Pirates and Princesses, The Guardian, Wikipedia, CBS, The New Zealand Herald, That Chapter su YouTube.
Shirley Duguay, Purr-fect Match, Non Fiction Minute 1 e 2, Wikipedia, NBC.

MiniBom s03e03 – 27/03/2024 – Chi di penna ferisce!
William Heirens, Wikipedia, GQ, New York Times, DNA Info.
Randy Stone, ABC News, Every Town podcast, Murderpedia, KMBC 9 su YouTube, Daily Mail, Just Thought Lounge su YouTube.
Links per MiniBomExtra, Moriah Elizabeth su YT (squishies), SuperRaeDizzle su YT (materiali artistici), 멜츠 Melts su YT (cera lacca), Naomi Jon su YT, video di Garrett e Andrew all’albergo abbandonato.

MiniBom s03e02 – 28/02/2024 – Sacré bleu!
Antoine le Blanc, Wikipedia, NY Times, Weird New Jersey, Morristown Green, Tap into Rahway, The trial, sentence and confession of Antoine Le Blanc : who was executed at Morristown, N.J., on Friday the 6th Sept. 1833, for the murder of Mr. Sayre and family.
Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, Wikipedia 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5, Storica National Geographic.

MiniBom s03e01 – 20/01/2024 – Smile for the camera!
Grace Millane, New Zealand Herald, Wikipedia, Truly Criminal su YouTube.
Gregg Smart, Wikipedia, 1 e 2, SK Pop, ABC Broken Vows, ABC News, Annie Elise su YouTube, CBS.

MiniBom s02e12 – 21/12/2023 – 3, 2, 1… Lift off!
Mike Hughes, USA Today 1 e 2, WHYY, Il Post, Washington Post,
Jack Parsons, Wikipedia 1, 2 e 3, Banijay Crime – Crime Documentary su YouTube, Microbiologia Italia, Pasadena Now, Supercluster, Wired, Frieze.

MiniBom s02e11 – 23/11/2023 – Mani in alto!
Vincenzo Peruggia, Massimo Picozzi, Carlo Lucarelli – Il genio criminale: Storie di spie, ladri e truffatori, StileArte, il Corriere, Wikipedia.
La rapina di Norrmalmstorg, History, Wikipedia 1 e 2, Clark che si infiltra in un giro turistico.

MiniBom s02e10 – 13/10/2023 – Monster Mash!
Bestia del Gévaudan, Wikipedia, Museum Hack, History, The Collector.
La mare, Wikipedia 1, 2 e 3, Scary Studies, Alexandra Bittner.

MiniBom s02e09 – 21/09/2023 – Auguri Stephen!
Marlene Warren, Daily Mail, Il Fatto Quotidiano, WPTV, That Chapter su YouTube, Savannah Brymer su YouTube.
Lo Stanley Hotel, Stanley Hotel, Wikipedia, All That’s Interesting, Denver Gazette, Nightly Spirits, Uncover Colorado.

MiniBom s02e08 – 10/08/2023 – Comment, like and subscribe!
Christina Grimmie, Wikipedia, ABC News, intervista a Marcus, memorial service, The Voice, zeldaxlove64, Christina Grimmie Foundation, video di poco precedente la tragedia.
Natalie McNally, Irish News, Rotten mango su YouTube, LBC, The Sun, BBC, Irish Examiner 1 e 2, The Guardian, Belfast Telegraph 1 e 2, Irish Times, News Talk, Votesaxon07.
Nell’extra citiamo: slime, Emily D. Baker, Odd Tinkering, Tiny Kitchen, RR Cherrie pie, Franco the cat, Lincoln, Juniper, Pepito, I feel fantastic, la gif del panettone.

MiniBom s02e07 – 20/07/2023 – Spazio, ultima frontiera!
Frederick Valentich, Wikipedia.
I “cosmonauti perduti”, New Scientist, Passione Astronomia, Rai News, Prometeo Magazine, Podcast Extremes s02e05, Proversi,, Rivista Savej, Wikipedia 1 e 2.
Nell’episodio di chiacchiere extra si parla di questo.

MiniBom s02e06 – 23/06/2023 – Just Married!
Katherine Knight,, Murderpedia, Wikipedia, The Casual Criminalist su YouTube.
Mary Elizabeth Wilson, Wikipedia, Murder UK, Facebook, Chronicle Live, Serial Dispatches, Murderpedia.

MiniBom s02e05 – 25/05/2023 – The kids are alright!
Delimar Vera, All that’s interesting, Reddit, Coffeehouse Crime su YouTube, CNN, Mirror, Fox News, Kidspot, L.A. Times.
Katie Beers, Wikipedia, Unseen su YouTube, All that’s interesting, True Crime Daily su YouTube, Call it crime su YouTube.

MiniBom s02e04 – 20/04/2023 – 420!
Il massacro della famiglia Licata, Wikipedia 1, 2, 3, 4, Out of the past su YouTube.
Kirstine Kirk, LA Times, Westword, CBS News, Daily Mail, Denver Post, The Gazette.

MiniBom s02e03 – 23/03/2023 – Acqua, acqua ovunque, e non una goccia da bere!
Lo tsunami del 2004 nelle parole di Maria Belòn, Wikipedia 1 e 2, L.A. Times, Republic World, Oprah Daily.
Crystal McDowell, 48 hours su Youtube, That Chapter su YouTube, CBS, People, definizione “sudden passion”, Distractify, ABC News, Oxygen.

MiniBom s02e02 – 23/02/2023 – The dog is okay!
John Helble, Woofers & Co., Kiley’s True Crime, Medium, Forensic Files s08e18.
Patricia Ann Ross, Medium, True Crime Daily, True Crime Daily su YouTube.

MiniBom s02e01 – 17/01/2023 – I’m a Charlotte!
Charlotte Dymond, Linda Stratmann, Launceston then, The Vault su YouTube, Museums in Cornwall, Historic Mysteries, Cornwall guide, The Cornish bird, The Ballad of Charlotte Dymond, Cornwall live, Into Cornwall, Facebook.
Carol Maltesi, Il Messaggero 1, 2, 3 e 4, Instagram 1 e 2.

MiniBom #12 – 19/12/2022 – It’s not a phase, Mom!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
Bianca Devins, Rolling Stone, Wikipedia, Everys, uno degli account IG di Bianca, CBS.
Ernie Ibarra, Medium, Tuko, Oxygen, That Chapter su YouTube.

MiniBom #11 – 17/11/2022 – Di qua!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
John Joseph Donovan, NBC news,, Reddit, Strange Outdoors, Find a grave.
Louisa Vesterager Jespersen e Maren Ueland, Roba da donne, Reuters, The Guardian,, The Chronicle.

MiniBom #10 – 20/10/2022 – Buon appetito!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
L’omicidio da Subway, Fox, NBC, CNN.
Mirna Salahin, Caso criminal, Jakarta Globe, ABC, Daily Mail, BBC, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Rappler.

MiniBom #9 – 30/09/2022 – Press play!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
Massacro di Aurora, Wikipedia 1 e 2, Crime Vault su YouTube, Il Post, CNN.
Dianna Mah-Jones and Richard Jones, That Chapter su YouTube, CTV News, Global News.

MiniBom #8 – 19/08/2022 – Cheese!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
Jennifer Alfonso, That Chapter su YouTube, CBS 1, CBS 2, il processo, Huffpost, L.A. Times 1, L.A. Times 2, The Atlantic, BBC, Miami New Times, Reddit, True Crime Daily, NY Magazine, canale Youtube di Derek Medina, video della sentenza.
Patricia Candace Walsh, Douglas Zyskowski, Shana Holts, Regina Kay Walters e Ricky Lee Jones, Thought Catalog, All That’s Interesting, Wikipedia, Medium.

MiniBom #7 – 22/07/2022 – Giù per le scale di cantina!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
Honoré Zanchi, France info, France TV, Wikipedia.
Serhiy Tkach, Wikipedia, La tela nera, Aodain Phelan su Youtube.

MiniBom #6 – 17/06/2022 – Tié!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
Christina e Levi Karlsen, Heavy,, That Chapter, ABC, Oxygen, Citizens against homicide.
Caesar Sosa, Bleacher report, The Independent, Conferenza stampa.

MiniBom #5 – 27/05/2022 – Giù le mani!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
Shawn Hornbeck e Ben Ownby, St. Louis post dispatch, Better Off Red su Youtube, Crime Museum, All that’s interesting.
Steve Carter, Daily Mail, CNN, CBS.

MiniBom #4 – 29/04/2022 – Ahoy!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
Joseph Kerwin, The casual criminalist, Dark corners of history, Rachel_Tries_Hard su YouTube.
Zheng Yi Sao, Wikipedia, National Geographic.
Video in cucina.

MiniBom #3 – 25/03/2022 – Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
Elaine O’Hara, Wikipedia, The Independent, The Cinemaholic, Irish Mirror, BBC, Chilling crimes, Dublin live, The Sun, Irish Times 1, Irish Times 2.
Omicidi di Maamtrasna, Wikipedia, Lovin IE, The Maamtrasna Murders: Language, Life, and Death in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, The Independent.

MiniBom #2 – 25/02/2022 – Sa di veleno!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
Marie-Madeleine d’Aubray, Wikipedia 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Marie Lafarge, Wikipedia, New Yorker, Geri Walton, Vanilla Magazine, Murderpedia, JSTOR daily, National Geographic, SciHi.

MiniBom #1 – 28/01/2022 – Certamente fantasmi!
Listen: Anchor, Spotify.
Teresita Basa, Vocal Media, DNA info, Unsolved Mysteries, Medium, The line-up, Historic Mysteries, Paranorms.
L’orrore di Amityville, NY Post, Wikipedia, Medium.